Hi, I'm Dan, and I'm a Recovering Accountant.

While debits and credits do leave a permanent mark, I have spent the last 15+ years of my career applying the concepts learned as a Big-4 CPA to help entrepreneurs everywhere better understand key economics, accounting, finance, and business concepts.

I'm now an entrepreneur, sometimes VirtualCFO, startup mentor and teacher, and have met thousands of entrepreneurs and realized that most folks had no idea about some of the basic concepts that have governed business since the stone age.

I spend my time writing and teaching Startup Economics 101 to be fun, dynamic, and accessible education that powers the next generation of visionary entrepreneurs to learn these critical concepts, but also to identify solutions, tools and workflows.

I originally designed Startup Economics 101 to be: "Everything I wish entrepreneurs knew before they hired me as a VirtualCFO" and have expanded it through hundreds of CFO Office Hours, mentoring, and starting my own businesses.

This class is accessible to all, and has been taught to Startup Accelerators, high schools, PHD engineering programs, Alumni Associations, and more.

My CFO 'Playing Card'